Saturday, July 16, 2005

My Man's Buddy Gal

Eh fren!

I finally 'stumbled' upon your blog. All thanks to your hubby.

I enjoy reading your stuff, because to a large extent, we probably are too alike in various senses - especially in the 'womanly' sense, in case your hubby begs to differ. Then again, I suspect I have multiple personalities - some probably more dominant most of the time than others.

You give me assurance I'm not alone in this, and I'm definitely not weird. I'm just normal. I'm just woman.

A couple of points, though:

- Where's my hug?

- I didn't mean to offend you at the dinner. Heh heh. Apologies. In fact, I was looking to sit right next to you, and hoping we might get to talk. Honestly, you scared me too. So, I thought I should shut up and shut out. I was probably still in a down mood then. And most likely, I hadn't, and still haven't, gotten over the 'talking-to-people-face-to-face' fright. I might end up crying and I had quite some thick mascara on that night. Wouldn't have been nice to scare the groom, would it?

- You are right: we just somehow don't seem to be able to click. I think we tried, though not apparently hard enough. The stranger thing is we seem to think alike, yet we can't speak alike. Another one unfathomable. I am not forthcoming to people; maybe you are the same. I am actually pretty much shy, especially to people I like; maybe you are too. I am not quite aloof, but I'm really just wary of being myself in front of others I'm not familiar with. I read people first before I decide how much of myself I would show to them. Perhaps you do the same too. Just my theory. One thing for sure, I think I make a good online friend. I have 'testimonials' to show. Ha. Shy la.

Well, hopefully, we'll have many more chances to try hooking up again. Hopefully.

For one, I've dropped not-so-subtle hints to your hubby to invite me over for dinner. Did he tell you?

You two are great together. I can tell.

They say, "Wah, the two of them so fast ah?"

I say, "Time is not a factor when you get married; love is. Real true love."

You have a good man. And a good cat.

I wish your man's buddy would listen to me, the way your man patiently did.

Thank you both, for the friendship and concern.

I pray you two stay blissful for the rest of your life together. I wanna see you two shake leg at Ya Kun half a century later.

Your fellow 'Man's Buddy's Gal'

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