Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Man in Dream

I wanted to read.

But barely reading beyond one page, I fell into slumber.

It was quite a deep sleep, but I remembered I had a funny dream as well. It was a normal one, he and I on an adventure, but something terrible happened... I think.

For the life of me, I cannot recall what the horrible thing was - I can only well remember he and I were together in the dream - like normal. On a adventure. Like how I always dream of us.

Buddy: Does the man know what you want, or don't want? Have you actually told him?
Me: I think so. I never really told him, but he should know.
Buddy: That means you never told him what you want? How he know?
Me: If he doesn't want to talk, how to tell him?!
Buddy: Oh...

Men! For goodness' sake!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The apparently recurring dream you are having of you and "him"... are they "good" dreams ?

Well, they say dreams come true, but you should keep them to yourself if you want them coming true. ):