Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I Love Today


The sky looks really beautiful today. And so is the sea at east coast. =)

Never mind that it also means it's a hot day. But so deliriously high the sight made me, I decided to pop a surprise note over the phone messages to my favorite peoples, with some faint hope of maybe, just maybe, brightening up someone's day.

(And also, to see if my office-cooped buddies would be irritated, or sugar-coated by my sweet message. Hiak.)

Just see what kind of responses I received. LOL!

The Sugar-coated
AKoh: Enjoy. :)

The Philosophical
Hapyfish: It's the might of the sun at its best. Glaring, isn't it?

The Unresponsive
Les: Yeah. Was just at upp peirce reservoir.

The Envious
Dee: So envious.

The Delusional Deskbound Workaholic
San: Damn! my comp screen looks v bright and shiny too.

The Louis-Armstrong-Spouting Polyester Wonder
SLM: Haha days like this you feel the world is so wonderful eh? Enjoy!

The Pissed
Stef: Disgustg!


The *Huh?!*
Gan: so are u going to e beach w your beloved dogs?

The Patronizing One
Hann: Ha lucky you.

The Little Big Sis
Lyn: :-) pity i'm stuck in office. Boo!

The "Angelic" One
Skyboy: Bloody hell... So lucky...

The Foul-Mouthed
Cucumber: u suck. the view from my desk is not that good.

The Mood-Fouler
Bing: bt i tnk its goin to rain lata.

And the winner is...

The Idiot
Karks: You drunk at this time liao ah?


Skyboy: Bloody hell... So lucky... How ya doing?

Me: =) as great as the bright blue sky.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

2 Takes & No NGs

I was play-acting "a young woman jogging in the park".

"Oh, erm... best sporting moment? I guess there are many, but the best has gotta be Tiger winning his first major after his dad died. It was so touching I almost cried."

And of course, I was lying.

"Done? Fast or wat."

"Good wat. No NG, wat to do?"

Free labour for the job.

One pathetic jab at fame.

I need a hole in the ground.

p.s.: I don't fucking jog lor.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Everything But "Remember The Man"... Hmph!

Maxims I used to work by, but now live by.

Four: Simplify and go.

Five: The consumer - which is ME - decides.

Six: Be a sponge.

Seven: Evolve immediately.

Eight: Do the right thing.

Nine: Master the fundamentals.

Pretty amazing, they are. How these words, as simple as they may seem, trickle down to every single aspect of your life.

Pretty much like that damned 'Just Do It' shit.



Good Monday morning. Something to tease your poor post-weekend brains.





Got 'em?

Sunday, November 19, 2006

"Got Tissue Paper?"

I returned to the trail today - at long last. And I realized I had forgotten how gruelling it is.

Ten-point-five click in sixty-four minutes. Not quite by my usual standards - tsk. But given the state I've been in, I am actually more pleased than not.

Ouch, my knee is already starting to click every now and then.

I missed a date with Mr Funny tonight, but I am ok.

'Cos I am going to the beach with him tomorrow - and of course, together with my Sam-boy.

Mr Grouch gave me a surprise nudge today. =)

Mr Grouch baffles me. He makes me laugh, yet makes me fearful other times.

Sometimes I don't want it to go away, yet most other times... I wish it does.

Saturday, November 18, 2006


I just can never understand.

How some folks can have four hundred over friends on their Friendster list. How can? My primary-school classmates times ten, also not that many.

But I'm not complaining. I'm just perplexed.

At my age, I should even be glad I have a blawdy Friendster account. Huh.

Thursday, November 16, 2006


A pretty timely email I received. Just when self-doubt was kicking in.

Each of us has two distinct choices to make about what we will do with our lives. The first choice we can make is to be less than we have the capacity to be. To earn less. To have less. To read less and think less. To try less and discipline ourselves less. These are the choices that lead to an empty life. These are the choices that, once made, lead to a life of constant apprehension instead of a life of wondrous anticipation.

And the second choice? To do it all! To become all that we can possibly be. To read every book that we possibly can. To earn as much as we possibly can. To give and share as much as we possibly can. To strive and produce and accomplish as much as we possibly can. All of us have the choice.

To do or not to do. To be or not to be. To be all or to be less or to be nothing at all.

Like the tree, it would be a worthy challenge for us all to stretch upward and outward to the full measure of our capabilities. Why not do all that we can, every moment that we can, the best that we can, for as long as we can?

Our ultimate life objective should be to create as much as our talent and ability and desire will permit. To settle for doing less than we could do is to fail in this worthiest of undertakings.

Results are the best measurement of human progress. Not conversation. Not explanation. Not justification. Results! And if our results are less than our potential suggests that they should be, then we must strive to become more today than we were the day before. The greatest rewards are always reserved for those who bring great value to themselves and the world around them as a result of who and what they have become.

Jim Rohn


Bitches on Wheels

BMW started an ad campaign:

Audi answered:

Then, the Japanese had something to say too:

Bentley CEO's opinion on the beauty contest:

Fookin' awesome.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


I almost forgot.

Number seven has got to be my new DVD. =)

I remember vividly, this movie was exactly what got me hooked to him - though I already owned a couple of his music albums then. After the movie experience, I went on to the CD store to swipe the rest. Well, except for that elusive one.

I remember too, that this was my first and only movie caught under the moonlight at the Starlight Cinema last year.

And. Our first and only movie since too.

我踏上風火輪 在飄移青春

故事中的我們 在演自己的人生

Monday, November 13, 2006

Ha Ha HA!!!

Hmm... let me count the many little ways my life has been brightened up in a short one week.

One: Out of absolutely no intention of my own, I was "invited" to test-drive a couple of cars, one of which being a long-time crush - the Forester. I now declare my adoration for that lean, mean, 4WD machine. But even more so, I so lust after that damned Focus ST. Having a little more power than what I already enjoy doesn't hurt, does it? I am already fantasizing - I'd have it painted all over classic-green with white stripes, or maybe green with pink polkadots to be a little more madcapped. Anyhoos, an "upgrade" makes me feel less guilty.


Two: I keep getting people who make wrong guesses about my age. If it's not 18, it's 22. Being mistaken for a student is sometimes frustrating, but sometimes - I admit - very flattering too. I can't decide if I should credit it to the beauty creams I've spent a fortune on, or the clothes I've been wearing. But since I know I haven't been very disciplined with the regime, I shall suppose I've just been a little too casual in my dressing. So what? Does it mean I can actually cast a wider net and scoop the younger ones now??? =/

Three: I met up with many lots ex-coworkers at the annual CCK Hari Raya dinner party. One that I couldn't for the life of me miss, lest I get dropped from the party list next year. Ha. It's that prestigious. With all the little offsprings running around, I just had to admit: the days when I ever was the baby in the company were long over. Oh, and I chop-stamp-confirm, I really do make a darned good nanny. Any takers?

Four: I ran and swam and ran and swam till I can feel my limbs no more. Yes, the muscles are starting to bulge again, which renders my efforts at squeezing into my size-0 jeans again useless, but the ensuing pride more than makes up for that fact. 'Squeezing' is not the point. 'Perfect-fitting' is.

Five: I am labelled "funny". By my Ryan-Giggs-lookalike crush, no less. A crush that happened only sporadically in those days when I still travelled to the campus in Portland three miserable times a year. A crush that unbelievably appeared in front of me in Ice Cold Beer last week, and actually told me he remembered me though we had never spoken before. A crush who is going to be staying in this tiny little island as I do for the next six months. A crush who has stored my sacred number in his new cellphone and has since been talking to me via text messages since last week. A crush who told me he was about to leave for HK and would talk to me again later part of the week. If you could now, you would see a contorted look on my face. Erm. What now? I might have been a little too delirious last week, but... I still fucking cannot believe this. God, I am no fucking SPG, but please help me deal with this ok?

Six: I laughed a lot. I LAUGHED A lot. On Friday alone, when I was deliriously silly the entire day. Which ain't a bad thing, 'cos I realize I might have found my (low) sense of humor and my ability to laugh at every single fucking thing again. Even if the kind of silly happiness that happens to me is temporal - just for one day - I embrace it. Better than nothing. I don't fucking care if I laugh too hard, too loud. I AM FUNNY. =)

I don't think I might've grasped the facts about life as much as I should still. But I'm learning.

I always am.

Aren't you?

Thought Of The Day

I think people think I am smart, because I think I look smart and sometimes I think I make wisecracks with a snap of my fingertips.

But I worry... Am I?

Urgh. I have to be.

That's the only thing I have left now to prove myself right.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

"You're Funny..."

I'm funny.


People... I am funny.

Told ya. =]

Friday, November 10, 2006


I read this off my polar-bear friend Porpor's blog, and I absolutely loved how he made me keel over with silly wild laughter.


Magnitudes of disaster

In ascending order:

One moron
One moron with one opinion
One moron with many opinions
Many morons with many opinions
Many morons with one opinion


I love smart people.

Porpor makes the cut, no doubt.

Porpor, your mama is so darned lucky to have a son like you. Especially one that will outlive her anytime.

Just so I have to explain, I am NOT being delusional.

Porpor really is a Polar Bear, and he is my friend. With no mouth but two small black beads for eyes and a smarty brain to boot, that's somewhat the best kind of friend you can ever ask for.


齐天大圣是我 谁能奈何了我

但是我却依然不小心 败给了寂寞

如果要让我活 让我有希望的活

我从不怕爱错 就怕没爱过

如果能有一天 再一次重返光荣

记得找我 我的好朋友

Who Doesn't Love Northwest?



I luff. I luff. I-L-U-F-F.

With three-hundred thousand Worldperks - plus some more - in my pocket, I am definitely a happy woman.

Can even go Meh-hii-ko! =)

Monday, November 06, 2006

Adam and Eve

"人生就是如此. 分分离离的."

If I hadn't heard someone make a casual remark like this today, I wouldn't have wanted to talk about it.

But he did. And so will I.

I have been thinking about the story of Adam and Eve, and the Serpent, and the Forbidden Fruit.

And this is how I finally got it. In my own terms, at least.

So, God made Adam and gave him a woman in the form of Eve. And God really meant for Man and Woman to live together and love each other. And by God's interpretation, the love expected of between them is of the purest emotional form - and not in the physical way that we all young punks tend to associate with love in this awful world.

And God was really sweet. He had wanted Man and Woman to live together - in a beautiful paradise. He gave them home in the form of a beautiful garden, but also built a tree in the midst of it that bore fruits that He deliberately forbade them to eat.

But Adam and his Woman unfortunately met the Serpent, who really was Beelzebub in diguise, ate that darned fruit, and became, well... the kind of man and woman we all know.

A man and a woman who no longer lived and loved in the purest form, but who became aware of carnal pleasures and every other evil enjoyments of the material world. Adam and Eve started looking at each other in a manner they had never before - the man noticed the woman had boobs, and the woman began to wonder about the man's manhood.

Adam and Eve could not, and certainly did not, stand up to temptation.

Because God's wrath was incurred, He gave them a hard life, wrought throughout with temptations of every kind, and eventually made them grow old and die.

We all, you and I, became descendants from the Couple who succumbed to temptation.

As far as genetics could explain, we all inherited the natural tendency to succumb to sexual temptation. Men and women could no longer look at the opposite gender and not think about sex.

You and I could have been born perfect. But, no. We are all damned from the start.

So this is how I look at it now. My life and the love I experience in the process of living.

Why I try to live, but keep wanting to die.

Why I love but get hurt in the end.

Because all the people I meet and try to love are all sons of Adam and Eve.

I cannot escape from destiny.

I can only pray and hope to meet someone who actually believes in the beautiful paradise we really deserve and the kind of pure love we are actually capable of showing, just like I do.

In the meantime... Life's like that. Just deal with it.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Cool As A Cap

The cats are already out since more than twelve hours ago.

So why is the mouse still writing away at half past ten on a perfect Friday night?

Time to go.

But before I do, I need to express some long-suppressed narcissism: Don't I just look so fuckin' cool in a cap?

At least (some of) my friends think so too.


"Eh, not many girls can carry off a cap and still look cool lor."


2006: The Year of Babies

I am absolutely, positively, darned right shocked when I realize I have a little less than two months more to go before the year ends.

It just kinda sucks. This whole year does.

Anyhoos, this has been a quiet year.

Quiet, when I think of weddings. To date, I have only two weddings in my recollection. The weddings-to-attend calendar pales very much in comparison to last year's, and the year before.

There was the lovely beach wedding of Rob and Su's in August. And then there was the most-fun-I-ever-had wedding of XL and her Shark's.



But when I really think harder about it, I realize why there were seemingly less weddings.

'Cos all the babies are popping out. So fast and so furious, I have lost track of whose babies they are.

But the one that really cheered me up, other than baby Marcus, was my new niece in Seattle. Meet little Asha, and her proud dad, my cute-cousin-I-never-knew-I-had-till-I-first-met-him-three-years-ago.



And when I think really, really hard about it all, I feel a huge tinge of bitterness amidst the happiness.

Ah well.

Swoosh'd Sloshed

This is a very much belated post, but I can only fault myself for being too lazybum to download all the incriminating evidence - only some of which I am putting up here - from the machine.


Question: How do you turn otherwise beautiful, good-natured folks into ugly beings?

Answer: Work for the Swoosh and get your pretty ass onto the regular party list.




Not, er, so pretty...







And absolutely UGLY.



The night ended with three merlions in action, three bathrooms that became unusable, and some others who just couldn't have found their way home without the help of *ahem* moi.

I love you, guys. =) I really do.

You can take the girl outta the Swoosh, but you just can't take the Swoosh outta the girl.

The Family Getaway

Life is when... you get the whole freakin' house to yourself for a couple of days, and you walk out of the shower butt-naked, and you turn up the volume of the MTV-channel 'cos you would like to focus on the closet-cleaning until you hear Jay Chou coming on the boob tube, and you (finally) get to lie on the bed listening to the pitter-patter of the afternoon raindrops against the world outside.

Ahhh... Life like I haven't known it for a long, long, long while.

I did the deed early in the morning - driving the entire family gang to the coaches which would bring them to Genting. I would've liked to join them on the short weekend getaway but I'd rather relish my temporary freedom (plus a getaway with the whole gang isn't quite the getaway I'm so looking forward to myself).

I flashed the hugest grin and wished them all a great time up in the highlands, but I wish I would have an even greater time myself this weekend. Hiak hiak hiak.

No nagging. No nagging. And most of all, NO NAGGING.

When the cat is away, the mouse comes out to play.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


(Very bo-liao) Kick of the day.

Free cuppa coffee at Coffee Bean! Regular size too, mind you.

All because the poor bloke couldn't find the right button to punch in on the register for the one-dollar refill. Tsk tsk.

To set the record straight, I did not demand for the free coffee - he returned my two-dollar note with a sheepish apology.

Ahh. The little wonders of life.

The rain has almost, once again, threatened to thwart my swimming plans.

But I see a liiittle bit of the sun peeking out amongst the grey clouds. And the rain has stopped too.

I will now go do what I have been doing for the past few days - sneak a quickie in between the showers.

Do you smell a waft of addiction on me?

Yes, I am. Without no help from some hunk of a life-guard (if there was even one in the first place). =/