Friday, November 03, 2006

2006: The Year of Babies

I am absolutely, positively, darned right shocked when I realize I have a little less than two months more to go before the year ends.

It just kinda sucks. This whole year does.

Anyhoos, this has been a quiet year.

Quiet, when I think of weddings. To date, I have only two weddings in my recollection. The weddings-to-attend calendar pales very much in comparison to last year's, and the year before.

There was the lovely beach wedding of Rob and Su's in August. And then there was the most-fun-I-ever-had wedding of XL and her Shark's.



But when I really think harder about it, I realize why there were seemingly less weddings.

'Cos all the babies are popping out. So fast and so furious, I have lost track of whose babies they are.

But the one that really cheered me up, other than baby Marcus, was my new niece in Seattle. Meet little Asha, and her proud dad, my cute-cousin-I-never-knew-I-had-till-I-first-met-him-three-years-ago.



And when I think really, really hard about it all, I feel a huge tinge of bitterness amidst the happiness.

Ah well.

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