Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Caffeine Addiction

I counted, and I realized I had five cups of kopi-o yesterday.

Obviously, I'm so addicted to caffeine, the substance has absolutely no more 'stimulating' effect on me. I was so sleepy the entire time I was awake, and I slept like a log the minute I touched down on my bed last night.

I just hope at least the five cups of kopi-o do count towards the 'eight glasses of fluids' we're supposed to consume everyday.

Still, I headed first thing for my cup of kopi-o before I went into the office this morning.

I think it's becoming more of a psychological dependence than anything else.

It's already Wednesday, and it still feels a long time to Sunday when I fly off to Portland.

But then, I only have three more days in the office left to clear my outstanding to-do list and to prepare myself for the meeting next week.

I'm leaving the office today early for an off-site meeting at three in the afternoon. And I have another out-of-office meeting tomorrow morning, and I'm not sure how long that meeting would last. I'm not coming back to the office for sure after the meeting this afternoon - no way am I driving back from one end of the island to the other, when everyone else would be knocking off from work.

So that effectively leaves me only about two days (or even less) left to clear my stuff before I fly away.

I have this unnerving feeling I'll be back at my desk on Saturday again.

I don't think, as well, I'll get to see him tonight.

And if so, I don't think I'll see him again until I come home about 16 days later. I have basketball tomorrow (my last one before I take a break from it for two weeks - terrible). He'll be flying off on Friday, and will only touch down in Singapore fifteen minutes before my flight is due to take off on Sunday.

This is such a sweet plan.

Somehow, in the midst of all these confusing times, I don't know why but I've been wishing for a nice quiet dinner with the man, in some new place we've never been to. And maybe, for that few hours in the night, to drop all the troubles in our minds and to just enjoy ourselves.

But maybe, that would not happen because some spirit might be unwilling.

So, I've brought my gear with me today and dumped them in the boot. I think I need to work my legs out a little this evening.

I have made some plans for myself - I wish you would listen to them.

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