Friday, July 08, 2005

Friday - I'm In Love

Ooh... my hands are so itchy.

This feels like some 'cold turkey' treatment - not having the chance to touch my pbook and to write the whole day.

Have a dinner appointment in a short while, but still, I felt the urge to stop by the cafe.

Is this an addiction? Or an obsession?

I was trying to be a samaritan this afternoon.

Two of my colleagues are suffering from sports injuries - one with a big fat sprained ankle from football, the other a broken shoulder from basketball. So I offered to bring them to my 'favorite' Chinese physician for consultation. After trying so darned hard to heap all kinds of praises on this doc, I was finally heeded. I should earn some form of commission from him - or at least get some free 'tape' from him, just like what Missy Tan does.

So we popped by the clinic during lunchtime - quite stupidly - only to find the clinic closed for lunch-hour.

I felt so duh - and of course, apologetic.

We ended up having a sumptuous meal of Teochew porridge. One girl and two guys - and 7 different dishes. They shouldn't have made me order all the dishes.

Ray ended up snoozing in my car on our way back. I would've snoozed at my desk, if not for some silly meetings I had to attend.

Weekend's here again. In a flash too. It feels really nice to have a three-day work week.

Tomorrow, I'm playing coach. Yes, and it's upon request, not my own insistence.

The guys in the office have signed up for some mini-league basketball, and I've been whining they've not included me in the team - how could they?

"But this is an all-men's league."

After hearing they almost got into a post-game brawl last week, I am guessing the real reason why I wasn't recruited into the team: either I would be the cause of some fight, or I might end up in the fight myself. Ha.

This week, they are pleading me to come by as the coach. Maybe they are feeling bad about leaving me out. But they really sound imploring. Good. It gives me some upper-hand at work the entire week.

"You'd better be nice to me, or else you can forget about getting your playing time on Saturday."

Wah. Shiok.

My emotions have been going through a roller-coaster ride this week - except that I think a roller-coaster ride would at least provide some form of excitement, not the distress I'm feeling.

One day, I'm feeling worse than worst. The next, I'm feeling so good about myself, I tell myself, "You're great enough on your own, girl."

I don't care if Monday's blue,
Tueday's great and Wednesday too.
Thursday I don't care about you,
It's Friday - I'm in love.

Monday you could fall apart
Tuesday Wednesday break my heart
Thursday doesn't even start
It's Friday - I'm in love.

I'm imagining all sorts of scenarios in my head. I'm crafting all sorts of questions and answers in my mind.

But I don't think they might become reality.

I wish I could say, "Your time is up. I need my answers now."

But I don't know where that might lead to. I don't know why my throat gets stuck.

The feeling of waiting is horrible. I don't know what I'm waiting for - a flower to bloom? Or a time bomb to explode?

Somewhere at the back of my mind, some small voice is whispering, "Fuck it, girl. Just fuck it."

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