Thursday, September 22, 2005


I think unwittingly I have been sliding a few notches back.

Which would nicely explain the feeling I have inside these days.

The feeling neither warms nor pains me. It's just like a matter of fact, something I just can't help.

But I think what feels worse than the feeling itself , is the fact that I cannot do anything about it. There's nothing I can do nor I should do. I'm known to myself for doing stupid things.

I've learnt it's sometimes better to rein myself in.

And pray hopefully soon this awful feeling will pass. Just like it did once, albeit for only a while.


"I really miss you a lot... sometimes."

Did I just do something stupid?

Maybe. But I still believe some things should always be said while you're still alive to do so... and while you still don't feel the regrets doing so.

You'll never really know when your time is up.

And I really wish I had someone to hug me close... and never let go.

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