Thursday, September 15, 2005


It's so sad, and such a shame.

My new colleague, newly relocated from Taiwan, is settlingly nicely into her new surroundings. She has set up home in Queenstown, and travels to work by train. That takes her a good hour on commute every morning.

And my colleague is pregnant. Very pregnant, in fact. She's probably about to pop sometime next month.

"Wow. An hour on the train. That's long. But it's ok, at least you get a seat for that hour..."

"Erm. No, actually..."

!!! WTF?!

I actually felt so bad and ashamed on behalf of my fellow Singaporeans.

What's wrong with people?

Can't they see? Can they not tell the difference between a fat woman and a pregnant one?

Have they no heart?

I am totally sickened with disgust.

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