Sunday, September 11, 2005

Baby Cheng

Head check: here, but not really here.

Man, the aftermath always sucks.

You never really know how fucking small the world, or more specifically Singapore, is until you keep meeting people, friends of friends, who also turn out to be friends of your other friends.

Sometimes the reaction to the realization is surprise, but mostly these days, all I get a lot is shock.

"!!! You mean you are... " Haha, this is the normal kind of reaction I get now.

Hmm. I am supposed to be getting excited over new people I am supposed to be meeting - and not over people from the past that I keep bumping into these days.

But oh well. The night was fun anyways.

Baby Cheng.

Now it is all coming back.

That was me. A long time ago.

It feels good to be loved, doesn't it? To be loved so specially.

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