Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Lazy + Scrawny = Me

Conversation with a not-so-close friend:

"So did you do the Army Half Marathon yesterday?"

"No... lazy to."

"The Terry Fox run?"

"Er... no... lazy to."

"So what have you been up to?"


"Working... and bumming?"

Conversation with a closer friend:

"Did you do the Sheares Bridge yesterday?"

"No... lazy to. LOL."


"So what have you been doing these days?"

"Drinking? LOL!"

And I suppose that was a more honest answer. Haha.

I haven't run for the longest time.

People are talking about me in the office being the fastest girl-runner, but I'm just a pack of lazy bones now.

I've given up my triathlon training because I just don't feel like it.

Maybe I still don't feel like doing it, or anything else. But I think I gotta do something soon at least.

Like, maybe run.

Ticklish moment of the week (so far):

"Wahlau, your legs are like damn scrawny now lor - have you not been exercising these days?"


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