Monday, August 01, 2005

Thanks Babe

Babe, you dedicated so many Chinese songs to me, I'm inspired to go buy some Chinese CDs for my own pleasure listening in the car.

(I was going to try downloading them online and then burn the songs onto a CD, when I realized I can forget about downloading programs that will allow me to download songs on a Mac in the first place. Damn this pbook.)

You have also been very kind and sweet in your thoughts for us.

I agree with you wholeheartedly.

When you love someone, you don't set him free. I couldn't, and probably still can't, really bear to set him free.

But, you see, when the love becomes painful for one, when the love fades away for one, the other has no other choice than to set him free.

When one feels trapped and hopeless in the love, you can't clip his wings and cage him for any longer.

Maybe, in time to come, there won't be any real emptiness for one. Maybe, there will be.

But you'd never know - unless you let him go. And then wait. Wait and see.

I don't know about the time-travelling bit, though.

Though a part of me would like to go back in time, I don't know if anything would have changed anyway.

To which point in time would I want to return? I don't know.

When love fades eventually, you can't really pinpoint when the tide actually turned. Six months ago? One year? Three years? Maybe six years ago would've been a better bet.

If love was meant to fade, what could I have done better anyway when I think I've already done all I can to keep it alive?

Even if I could go back, would I even have been able to foresee it all coming? In all honesty, I don't think he could've seen it coming himself.

Thing is, nothing could've been rescued even if we went back in time.

Still, I do wish I could go yesterday.

Give me that automobile, and I'll go back to those days when we were happiest. So I can relive them freshly again, feel it passionately again, immerse in it wholesomely again - instead of just in my mind now.

It just pains especially bad when you are forced to 'do the right thing' - against your guts and against your heart.

You are one of only two friends I have so far, showering me with words I actually want to hear.

I bumped into Dee two nights in a row over the weekend in the most unlikely places. Saturday, in the most ulu-est pub I've ever been to. Sunday, in the obscure cafe I hang out in.

She expressed in words what I have been feeling deep inside, "Don't go. Not now. You'll feel worse than you are now, if you still have no closure."

"Follow your guts - guts includes your heart and some of those survival instincts you've gained over the years of experience. You just know it, what to do and what not."

You girls make me feel less silly.

You are right, though. About those Chinese MTVs.

I can't really care much about the Chinese songs I hear on the FM - I don't grasp a word and they don't impress me.

But I was so engrossed in watching the MTVs in the ulu pub that Saturday night, I decided Chinese songs are indeed pretty meaningful. They sing about more depressing love stories than English ones. Maybe I just needed the lyrics to get it all.

And you know what?

I made a dedication for myself that night - 豆浆油条 by 林俊杰.

I couldn't sing a word, of course - so I got the sweet young thing of a waitress to sing it for me.

She's a lucky lass - she gets to drink, sing, enjoy herself at work.

And no, it's not a 'lup sup' bar. We should go there one day - you, me and your hubby. Hope the boss remembers me.

Just wanna say 'thank you' for your thoughts and well wishes.

Keep the songs coming.

P.S: 'Babe' definitely sounds better than 'Miss Piggy'.

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