Sunday, August 07, 2005


I took a drive to the airport tonight.

No, there isn't anyone for me to pick up today, but I wish there was.

I came because I ran out of places to run to, and this place has got pretty plenty of happy memories for me. Plus, I could eat some fries and write some stuff. Why not?

It's quiet at the hall tonight. Which makes it much easier for me to recall the happy looks on our faces everytime he walked towards me from afar across the other end of the hall.

I didn't really want to be alone tonight. But it's fine this way, as well.

I tried, but no one apparently seemed available for me tonight.

Married friends have family plans. Dating couples have romantic time-alone plans. Drinking buddies are already pissed drunk at someone's place. Single girlfriends are going on hot dates.

Good for them. Hope they are all happy tonight.

I'd really hate to plan for tomorrow's activities; we never did.

Good thing I have to run some errands for Mom. Though I am not sure what time she'll be needing my help.

And I dread to think of the car ride with her alone. I can see the questions coming my way. Fuck.

Petrol prices have gone ridiculously up.

A full tank of gas now costs me almost ten bucks more than what I paid just last week.

There was a slight pinch on my heart as I watched my credit card being swiped.

The price I have to pay for mobility and freedom.

Is it worth it? In a bigger sense of matters, probably yes.

I couldn't really care much about money, if I have to spend it to make me happy. Though I do wish I could earn more of it. Much more.

August is the month of (pathetic) bonus.

Exactly one year ago, this time, I remember our weekends were kept busy, prowling all the car showrooms. By the end of last August, I had used all of my (pathetic) bonus to pay for the downpayment of our precious.

In barely a month's time, our precious would be a year old.

When I think of it this way, time has surely flown past quickly.

I am not sure if it still retains the 'new car' smell, though I think it does.

The car would soon become just my precious. I'd be the only one to bathe it, and to try to fix any problem.

I'll leave the passenger seat as it is, though. Pushed furthest back, and tilted far back.

August is also the month of big bills.

There is the car insurance I have to settle. The road tax that is expiring.

Gracie is going for her annual jab on Monday. The girls both need their haircut next week. The crazy heat is killing Piper.

Piper's yeast problem doesn't seem to go away after the last treatment, and seems to look worse. I need to bring her back to the vet as well.

There is the usual cable, internet, mobile bills, and the dog food.

There is the massive credit bill coming up from the Portland trip.

Everything just has to come right at me altogether, doesn't it?

I think my (pathetic but well-timed) bonus should well cover the expenses. I know I should save the rest of it for my own sake. But I so want to splurge on myself, just to cheer myself up.

An Oris watch, or a Geog Jensen ring would be nice. Haha.

There are also big dates coming up.

Gracie's third birthday on August 20.

Piper's fifth birthday on September 15.

But I'd rather October be a quiet month. The quieter, the better.

And I hope nobody remembers anything.

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