Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Win A Condo!

I have made another new resolution for the year.

I shall sign up for any credit card, any contest, any lucky draw that promises a condomium as the top prize.

Or a swanky new convertible will do too.


The very-adult conversation I had with Ed last night (not the X-rated kind of 'adult', by the way) has led us to an unanimous concurrence: that it is just not worthwhile to buy a private apartment, for the kind of blawdy interest we have to pay to banks.

Not in Singapore, anyway.

The only kind of property that would ever appreciate in value such that we would make money when we sell, is a blawdy piece of land. Or an old apartment that would eventually be bought en-bloc by some silly developer - that is, with a stroke of luck.

If we want a private apartment, rent it.

An HDB apartment? Sigh. That wasn't even in the discussion; neither of us seems to be getting married soon, anyway.

Not that we are planning to get an apartment together, but we'll never know if we might just end up as housemates. Though, I did make a proposition: you come up with the apartment, I provide the car. Ha. Sounds good, doesn't it?

Or, just do like I plan to: win a condo. =)

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