Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Achy Breaky Heart


I was supposed to be cutting down on the drinks.

But there I was, unintentionally, drinking every single night in Phuket.

And just when I thought I needed a booze-break back home, I hit the Hoes for two nights since I'm back.

How's that for a 'resolution'?

Cannot make it.

For screaming out loud, I need a detox to save my skin. And more sleep too.

Facial therapists are ruthless women.

They squeeze you like they know no pain, like I owe them some big deal.

"I'll skip this one near your eye. Very sensitive, very painful."

Yah. Like the upper lip area and the lower jaws aren't.

Now, I'm officially "hiao" to my chicks.

Yes. Very true.

Since I've been back from sunny/dehydrating/damaging Phuket, I have been going through a self-administered home-treated intensive 'rehydrating' program - masks, scrubs, hair conditioners, whatever have you.

Almost all of the facial therapists I've been through, and even my skin doctor, have attributed my skin condition and all the little spots that keep popping up to one consistent factor: stress.

Come to think about it truthfully, I cannot deny. And I seem to agree.


Yeah, much of the stress comes from my emotional wounds and my achy, pining heart.


I finally have news of my long-awaited interview.

And I received it with much mixed emotions.

Of excitement, and then of fear.

I am no longer sure if this is what I really want.

See? That's where I get my stress.

Big Guy, I need some answers soon.


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