Sunday, January 08, 2006


Sigh. The rain is not stopping.

My friend's plans to sell some handmade gem-stone jewelry at the flea market have been devastated by the same rain - two days in a row.

My plans to spend some time in town have also been ruined.

Well, almost. I think I'm still gonna trudge into town this afternoon. I don't think I can bear to laze another afternoon away.

Hopefully, it'd be quiet-er in town; hopefully, everyone else is staying in bed.

There are some things that need to be done.

No, not the 'urgent, important, die-die must-do' kind of need.

It's the 'soul-soothing, self-empowering, I-just-want-to-do-what-I-want-to-do-because-it-makes-me-happy' kind of need.


Like shopping for a new bikini for my Phuket trip.

Like shopping for new shoes - just because...

Like shopping for new clothes for the Lunar New Year.

Like browsing through Borders, because I have a ten-dollar voucher to be spent before January ends.

Like watching a movie - yes, even if it's on my own. I've sacrificed too many good shows in the past few months - all because...

Like hanging out at my cafe, doing some reading and writing.

Like getting my feet wet, running through the puddles of rainwater.

Yeah, that's quite a lot of things to be done on a lazy, rainy Sunday afternoon.

Time to get dressed.

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