Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Wedding Dress

This is just great - just what I needed. A reason to shop.

I am invited to the wedding dinner this Saturday, after all.

Yay: I can buy myself another pretty dress and doll myself up again (making good use of those silly cosmetics I've amassed but underused).

Nay: The dresses I like are never affordable; the dresses that are affordable, I never like.

Yay: I can give myself a good reason to leave work early these few days, though without one, I still do.

Nay: Knowing my fussiness and short attention span, I don't really think I can achieve anything within these few evenings. I have a good mind I might just end up buying something only three hours before the wedding - as usual.

Yay: I love attending weddings, especially of close friends, because I love how happy and beautiful they always look.

Nay: I fear weddings. But then again, they are never about me.

I'm full of contradictions, aren't I?

Day One of attempt is already futile.

All because of Jay Chou.

Yes, because of him, Orchard was crowded with crazy screaming girls, all thronging - just great - the shopping mall I was planning to go. I didn't try to but I almost could've caught a glimpse of him - he was going up one escalator while I was coming down another, trying to flee the maddening scene. Not fated.

I mean, I like the guy - his is after all the first Mandarin CD I've bought my entire life.

But because of him, I couldn't shop in peace.

Anyway, the mood to shop was already lost even before I reached town.

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