Monday, June 27, 2005


Oh my gawd. Oh my gawd. OH. MY. GAWD.

For the uninitiated, I've been recently getting very pissed at the Starhub wireless connection at Coffee Bean cafes. And I don't know if I should be more pissed at Starhub or Coffee Bean.

Me (to the Starhub technical consultant): I've been very annoyed at the wireless connections. Making me spend money on Coffee Bean coffees unnecessarily, and even more money on calling you guys everytime to troubleshoot. And you guys don't even provide any help at all.

Tech consultant: Er, Miss... just to let you know, the Starhub helpline is toll-free.


So, fate brought me today to Purvis Street to run some errand. And fate has me finding the one and only one available parking lot right in front of this cafe. And fate has it that I was to turn my head to check out the cafe, and find out it sells kopi-o at only $1 and offers free wi-fi!

Someone up there has been listening to my grouches after all!

Goodbye, Coffee Bean. Goodbye, $5 skinny-lattes.

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I was sitting al fresco right next to my car. I ordered a kopi-o, and then added a tuna puff on top of that, just to 'repay' my gratitude for free wi-fi. Still got so much spare change left.

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I've a full day today.

Sent my car in for regular servicing in the morning. As usual, I woke up much later than I planned to, and had to hail a cab to work, instead of the planned MRT ride. The servicing cost me more than I expected to.

Had a 10am meeting with some new account, and I realized I absolutely have no patience with a sales job. Thank goodness.

Took off after lunch. Picked up my car. Had a bad experience at Coffee Bean. Headed for the Skin Center for my follow-up consultation.

Realized the benefit of arriving way earlier than my appointed time. I got to see the doctor sooner, I waited less for the payment and at the pharmacist. The time saved led me to 'shop' leisurely at the pharmacy, looking for my skin-care products - which led me to spending more money again.

I'm going to swear off cosmetic brands for my face's sake: no more Clinique, no Biotherm, no Estee Lauder. They don't deserve the bomb-price they carry, and it's really all about the advertising and packaging.

I'm sticking to pharmaceutical brands like Avene, RoC and La Roche-Posay. They look more 'serious' and less 'frill-y'.

Word of advice: they cost much MUCH cheaper at the National Skin Center pharmacy. A LOT cheaper.

Had a lot of time left before my vet appointment (Piper's actually, not mine). So, I decided to embark on a gift-searching project. Which brought me to Purvis Street.

It's all fated - that I was to be pissed off by Coffee Bean/Starhub, that I was to collect my car earlier, that I was to arrive at the skin center earlier and thereby finishing my consultation there in less than an hour, that I decided to spend the time saved searching for the gift, that I was brought here to Purvis Street.

You cannot imagine my joy now.

And now, because of my unplanned 'coffee break' here, I'm going to be late for Piper's appointment. Damn. That's fated too, I suppose.

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