Thursday, June 02, 2005

Cheap Shoes

I'm wearing new shoes I just bought at Gap a couple of days ago.

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Sweet-looking ballet flats that I've always been wanting to get. And they didn't cost me a bomb at all. Soft suede leather Brazilian-made shoes, all for US$9.97, a good steal reduced right down from the original price tag of US$39.50. Why wouldn't I get them? They were the only size 9s left too. I grabbed and refused to let go.

Just yesterday, I walked into another Gap and saw another exact same pair in a powder pink color, only in 9s too. Got them as well. I was estatic.

Today, I found out these aren't exactly the most fantastic shoes. Just after a day of walking around (in the hotel only), one of the tassles on the right shoe has fallen off (and not found) - and the tassles were one reason I got attracted to them. The leather is so soft, the shoe doesn't really 'grab' onto your feet well. So they aren't very well-fitting, and they felt like flip-flops more than shoes. And I found out today my left feet is slimmer than my right - because the right shoe has already gone slightly distended.

But still, I'm happy with them, and am glad I bought them. I would've killed myself, though, if I had paid the original price for them.

I'm pretty good at sussing out all the US$3.99, 6.99, 9.99 stuff in the US. After all, these are the only kind of prices I would allow myself to pay. Anything more than that would make me reconsider over and over again. Sometimes I think it's the prices I paid, the 'good buys' I've made, rather than the products themselves, that make me more pleased. $3.99 Victoria Secret's underwear. $9.97 Gap denim skirt. $9.99 Gap polo shirt. I've got them all. I almost feel proud having paid dirt-cheap prices for brands like these.

Then again, many 3.99s and 9.99s make up a lot of money spent. But the guilt sets in slower, and later. I can deal with that.

Sometimes I don't like shopping with the girls. Because they can afford to spend their money. I can't. The kind of money I earn is probably the same, if not more, like them but my spending power is not. I'm not a shopaholic, but after all, I am a girl and a girl (well, most) has got her needs occasionally - a need to own something they like.

I don't shop because I can't. I watch my expenses because I might end up not being able to pay my bills. Sometimes I ponder over even a cup of 60 cents kopi-o. Sometimes I get guilty spending five bucks on lunch. I am not even saving for a Tiffany ring nor a Coach bag. I'm just making sure I have money to live on for the rest of the month.

I don't know why either I end up in this financial rut. Maybe it's the love, compassion and generosity I have in me. Maybe it's the techie that I'm trying to be. Maybe it's the dogs. Maybe it's that damned car that I love so much.

I've got to take stock of my life now. Maybe the car would have to go. My dogs stay.

People have been commenting I've lost weight, again. Another subject I cannot deal with, because I have no explanation for them. How they can notice a change in my weight - I don't understand as well.

But I notice my bras don't quite fit anymore. Either I've really lost weight, or they are getting so worn and washed they are becoming loose-fitting. I hope it's the latter. Running to catch the rail, I could feel my strapless slipping down. Oops.

My presentation slides are coming along fine. The flow is finally coming to me. I just have maybe 30 more slides to go? I'll finish them tonight - I have to, anyway.

We're supposed to have a group dinner in town tonight, so I sneaked out earlier so I could get some 'free wi-fi time' before meeting up with the group. I didn't know I would take so long to write this.

It's time to go...

If I cannot handle questions right now, maybe I don't have a right to ask them as well.

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