Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Baby Oil?

Heard over the FM while out on a lunchtime drive:

If olive oil comes from olives, and peanut oil comes from peanuts, then where does 'baby oil' come from?

Ok, that doesn't sound as funny, as I was writing it. But it really got me chuckling for a while in the car. Quite a 'duh' joke.

Have you ever done something that's potentially a wrong thing to do, possibly quite an impulsive move, definitely not a practical decision, and yet you're feeling really exhilarated and strangely excited about it?

Ok, I haven't quite 'done' it yet, but I'm already feeling the aftermath. The excitedness, that is.

I have kinda made up my mind. And I wanna act upon it real fast, before I think myself out of it. Which would have been a big disappointment.

Whatever it is - no regrets whatsoever. That, I'm sure.

There are some adidas jackets that are pretty cool, I hate to admit.

But I will never allow myself to even set my hands upon them.

Yeah, right. Not only did I set my 'filthy' hands on them, I even tried one on.

It kinda looked right on me. It's so me.

"Too bad," I can only tell myself.


Starhub is not failing me today, but I need to get my naughty ass back to work.

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