Thursday, June 30, 2005


I love green.

And apparently green loves me too.

I bought a cheapo US$1 ring in Portland, that has garnered me a lot of attention - unintentionally, of course. Maybe simply cos it's huge and green, making it an eye-sore. Haha.

"What stone is this made of?"

Er... it's just a plastic one-dollar ring. Hmm.

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Eeww... my fingers are so wrinkly. And I don't really do household chores, except maybe washing the girls' dishes. Hand-cream time.

I also received a new handbag as a gift - in my favorite green again. Great, now at least I can alternate between this leather one and my cotton one.

It's bigger too. But as my habits go, the bigger the bag, the more things I'll stuff into it.

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Yes, and my big fat camera, with which I used to capture this image, goes into it everyday as well.

I just never change.

It was pouring again this morning just as I was about to leave for work. I decided against pulling the 'breakfast-before-driving-off" stunt with Ed again.

It's been a long while since I drove in the rain with my wipers switched on.

I mean, I've been driving in the rain, yes. But I never like switching my wipers on, at least not in a continuous motion.

I love raindrops on my windscreen. I love the big and tiny dots and patterns they form as they land on the glass pane.

But what I love even more, is watching the repeated patterns as the raindrops get sweeped over by the wipers, and then more raindrops fall again to form the dots, and then the sweeping and then the dots again. I also like observing how 'clean' my wipers sweep off raindrops from my windscreen. I like also the sounds of the wipers.

I am so obsessed with raindrops and wipers that if I'm ever sitting in a cab on a rainy day, all I ever do to pass time in the cab is to stare at the wipers.

But see, you're not supposed to be watching wipers and raindrops and indulging in the music of the wipers while you're driving. Not especially in the heavy rains.

I love my wipers, but they distract me too much. So I'd rather not switch them on.

Contradictory again, aren't I?

What I really hate though - fast-speed wiper motion. Now, that is really distracting, but in an irritating way. I hate it even when the car behind me has got wipers moving at high-speed. It gets me distracted too because it makes me stare at them from my rear-view mirror - wondering what the heck that driver is thinking.

I think I'm weird. I don't even know why I'm talking about wipers.

I am supposed to be planning for my side-trip in July, after my Portland meeting. But I haven't really gotten started on it.

I can't even decide where to go. I don't want to do touristy stuff; I just want to explore.

Maybe L.A. (but that's too touristy) or maybe a solo drive along the Californian coast down from Oregon (but that's too dangerous and costly).

A new idea worth exploring just popped up yesterday. I've received an invitation to Nice, France in July.

Maybe... just maybe.

My day has started off well today.

Right from this morning, just before I left home for work.

I haven't stopped smiling since. =)

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