Friday, June 17, 2005

Back from the Dead

It's lunch-hour still; I've had a pretty quick bite since it's pouring outside and I hate bringing umbrellas along. So I suppose it's legitimate for me to be journalling right now.

Things are like so dead after the nostalgiamania died down.

For one, I felt particularly dead yesterday. Just two hours of jigging the night before, and I was walking into the office the next morning with a stiff back, creaky joints and a slightly hoarse, almost sexy, voice. The 'recovery' time sure is taking way much longer than before; it took me almost an entire day before the joints felt well-oiled and the voice sounded more plain ol' me again.

However much our psychological selves want to believe we can still do what we used to do (six years ago), our physiological functions work extra hard to remind us aging is a reality and perhaps our energies (whatever's left of it) could be better channeled into other avenues of reminiscence.

Still... I wanna go Mambo again!!

The evening was spent by myself at the beach cafe, where I thought I could relax and enjoy the breeze and do some writing, before I was to meet a friend for dinner at 10.

Relaxing... my foot!

The wi-fi connection was so-o-o-o snail-speed slow, I've had better experience with dial-up connections. What subsequently followed was an hour-long phone-call with the service provider, who provided absolutely no help at all in the end.

I ended up reading a book, and surfing at the same time - better not try to write anything in case nothing gets posted and every single drop of brain juice is wasted.

I picked a quiet corner, where I thought I could have some peace and privacy. What I didn't realize was that there were two or three spotlights right above me. Oh, and maybe a baby-lizard breeding ground too, because one just fell off and landed right on my lap. So I ended feeling more hot and bothered than anything.

By the time it was 10, not only was I famished, I was totally tired, irritated, and dry-eyed. Dinner was practically gobbled up.

I tried to watch Baz Lurhman's "Romeo and Juliet" after a hot shower. Of course, I dozed off.

Time to get back to work. The energy to work is back - but too bad... it's already Friday.

All of a sudden, I don't know why but I'm homesick. I am missing a lot of things.

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