Thursday, June 09, 2005

Truancy, Lethargy and Bloatedness

I fell asleep only at 7 this morning.

So, as anyone who knows me well enough might have guessed, I woke up late in the afternoon and did not turn up at work. Come to think of it, I haven't played truant since my schooling days.

Yeah, I have neither energy nor mood to drive to work.

The man was around after all - he received a last-minute/late-night flight cancellation. Act of God?

We came out for a late lunch - at our favorite hang-out. A buffet that got us bloated - we were just trying to make sure we had our buffet money's worth.

Then we just did our usual stuff - hanging out at the cafe.

I'm so lethargic. Aching shoulders. Yawning all the time. I'm going to have to skip basketball tonight. It looks like it might rain anyway.

I'll have to sleep early tonight, just to be sure I wake up on time for work tomorrow.

Things seem civll, and perhaps to an extent normal, between us. I'm tired of reading into signs and behavior. I am wary of guessing too. I wish there was a clearer message to me.

Glad it's Friday tomorrow. And I don't think most folks, including Boss, will be back in office tomorrow. Good, so I can take it slow and easy and have a longer weekend to rest my mind.

I think it's time I write about the wedding, before I forget about that beautiful day. I have some good pictures to show, and a good day to share.

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