Thursday, June 09, 2005


I'm finally home.

A strange sense of familiarity that makes me feel somewhat unwelcome. I don't really know how to explain that any further.

The four-movie marathon must have zapped all energy off me. Part two of my plan failed miserably - I didn't even manage to complete one single movie. I dozed off, woke up to rewind the movie, dozed off again, rewound again, dozed off again... until I gave up trying to get back to the movie. I decided I'd just sleep all the way home.

Knew he wasn't coming since he's working tomorrow morning. Don't expect him to, anyway.

But still, it pained a little to not see that someone welcoming me home in open arms. Like he used to.

Cannot sleep now. Very wide awake.

Maybe I should just start unpacking now but I've no idea where to start. I don't know how I'm going to squeeze in my new stuff, though not a lot, into my wardrobe that's already threatening to burst.

I'm probably supposed to return to work tomorrow. Which is effectively today. But let's see if I have the energy or mood to.

Right now, I wished I didn't have to come home.

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