Thursday, June 23, 2005

To-Do List

I was actually out in town practically the entire afternoon today - out on a work mission to be a shopper-spy and check out the Yoga bags business here.

I used to hate pretending to be a clueless consumer and having to dig out market or competitor information from retail shops; these days, I quite look forward to such missions because they bring me out of the icy freezer of an office, and keep me away from emails and the stifling atmosphere of a deskbound job.

So for almost three hours today, I sauntered into studio after studio, on the pretext of checking out the Yoga classes and class fees. But the pretext became a personal conquest, when it suddenly dawned upon me that Yoga or Pilates is one activity I've been wanting to regulate in my life.

I tried Bikram once, and then twice, and then no more - because the money I had to pay per session put me off. I'd rather engage in outdoor sports - where the profuse sweating makes me feel more like my body is actually being worked out. Why pay money to work out in a time-calculated air-conditioned environment when you can do a better job running in the trails or playing basketball with a bunch of friends?

I tried Pilates too, and liked it better - but then, the classes were provided free by the company for a couple of months.

Still, money aside, I would actually like to pick up yoga/Pilates again. I think it would add a different dimension to my overall physical work-out, strengthening and lengthening my muscles - a perfect compliment to my rigorous basketball trainings.

Then, I got to taking stock of all the things I've been wanting to do in my life, but never gotten to doing them, for some reason or another.

1 - I would like to wear long flowy yoga pants instead of my basketball shorts, and do some mind-relaxing Yoga/Pilates.

2 - I would like to try some real Hip-Hop dance class - I have newfound admiration in Jamie King.

3 - Salsa-dancing would be sweet too.

4 - Lindy Hop (or was it Tap?) was recommended but I think I should be realistic and start off with two dance classes first.

5 - Learn and master tennis. Somehow I make people think I'm a (good) tennis player.

6 - Pick up golf. Hahahahaha.

7 - Continue my diving, so there's an excuse for a Redang trip. I think by now, I'd probably need some refresher course.

8 - If diving is still too expensive, sailing would do too.

9 - Master my lousy roller-blading skills once and for all.

10 - Go fishing out in the sea.

11 - Learn horse-riding in Malaysia. It's so much cheaper there.

12 - Learn jet-flying in Malaysia. It's so much cheaper there (as recommended by the man).

Above all, I just really want to explore a foreign land with the man one day. If that day should ever come.

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