Sunday, June 26, 2005

Lazy Sunday

Nice, breezy Sunday afternoon - and the Procrastinator-Queen has to get her ass back to the office to finish up some work. All thanks to a darned Monday morning meeting.

It's already four, and I'm supposed to have gotten started on what I have to do. But a nice lunch of Yong Tau Foo and yam rice is making me so sleepy. I haven't gotten my caffeine fix today, so I thought I deserve a detour to the cafe first before heading to the office. I'm feeling so lazy now. I have time today anyways.

Mmm mmm... yam rice. I miss that good stuff. And cabbage rice too. No one really knows where to find yam rice these days - not to mention, how to cook it. Not even my mom. Nor his mom.

Maybe the cookbooks can help me. But only when I get my own cooking space, in my own home. Someday.

I retract my statement. I don't really have time today.

I need to pass my road-bike to a friend, who's using it for a triathlon next week. Triathlon - I haven't decided if I should resume it, but in the meantime, I'm staying away. I still have sea-phobia; I don't mind swimming with my dogs, but not with hundreds other crazy people kicking you in the face.

My bike is locked up in my aunt's place (because Mom insists we don't have space at home for another plaything of mine). The place is empty because she works overseas - just perfect as a 'cold storage' for my bike. Problem is, there's a new lock never seen before, and I don't have the combination to it. I'm just waiting for a phonecall so I can go pick it up. Then send it to my friend. All before six.

The phonecall just came, and I have to get the bike now. And send it to my friend. Before six.

I think I might just end up going to work at 7.

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