Sunday, June 19, 2005

Sunday Morning

I have a new addiction: my prized PowerBook.

It's so portable, it practically goes wherever I go - whether or not I really need it or would eventually use it. What others might call 'dead weight' is my all-essential feel-good companion. It's like the little brolly other girls have in their handbags - you never know when it might come in handy.

It's the first thing I touch when I arise from slumber these days, and the last I hold with care before I rest every night as I carefully perch it on top of whatever's next to my bed.

When Piper (or was it Gracie?) ran over my newly acquired pbook and the letter "L" key flipped out, I flipped too. Whoever caused the 'accident' didn't escape my wrath. Of course I felt guilty afterward; it is after all just a piece of metallic plaything, albeit an expensive one.

My pbook goes to work with me every morning, and sometimes is my one and only lunchtime companion. It had also the fortune of taking a plane with me all the way to Seattle/Portland a few weeks ago. Wherever I went, whatever majestic sight I gazed upon, it was there with me (in my bag though), and it was the first to know whatever that excited me enough to want to tell someone. It has probably become good friends with my camera. The both of them have been bonded by a USB cable and exchanging information almost everyday.

It was also the one who kept me company during those nights/days I had wanted to cry while I was alone in Seattle, the one who explored the cities alongside me for free wi-fi cafes. It was the one who kept me close to the man when we were thousands and thousands of miles apart in two different continents, separated by time zones and the oceans.

I'm not a cyber-geek, but I'm not a tech-bimbo either.

A slow Sunday morning. I woke up pretty early for my own weekend standards.

I decided to be alone for a while, and finish up my book. So I took the girls down with me and sat at the kopi-tiam for about an hour, enjoying my kopi-o (ok, the fella downstairs makes a pretty mean kopi-o, it's just that I never wake up early enough every morning to enjoy a cuppa before heading to work) and reading the last few pages of the book.

The girls, never mind where they are going, are always so excited to just step out of the house.

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That's Piper, always on the alert and looking out for other four-legged friends to play with.

I have an urge to finish the book, and I have. It got me psychoanalyzing a lot again. I'll share that with you in a while.

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