Saturday, June 11, 2005


I am highly amused by the childish things I've been doing for the past couple of days.

So, I skipped work yesterday, doing a no-show trick when I was supposed to be back in the office by lunch.

And today, me and my buddies Ed and Rob decided to have a self-rewarded long lunch break - at Brewerkz. Yeah, a half-hour drive away from the office but for a happy-hour price of $3 per mug, we didn't really have to consider twice. Not when you're with Ed and Rob - the Iron(drunk)Men in the office.

Well, it all didn't just happen for no reason. Ed was pretty upset by something that's going on in the office, and seeing that he really was badly affected by that something, I offered my listening ears (and my sardonic comments) during lunch. Then because Rob was around within a two-meter vicinity, the idea of beer (ice-cool beer in the hot noon sun) was inevitably brought up and there was no turning back since. Moreover, there wasn't really anybody in the office today, and more importantly, Boss wasn't back yet. The idea seemed plausible. We knew we were heading for a three-hour lunch.

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If everything had gone on without a hitch, I wouldn't have been so amused by my seemingly harmless childish antics.

But nooo... we kinda got the dates mixed up, and Boss came back to the office shortly after lunch.

The message on Ed's cell came 15 minutes before 3, and we were driving along the highway on our way back to work.

Boss: "Yo bro, no govt ah? Taking super long lunch ah?"

We fell silent as he read the message aloud, displayed a kind of horror on our faces as we realized he's back, then burst out laughing. Probably because we felt like a bunch of school kids playing punk again. The next half hour was spent in the car, making our long way back to the office (because of all things to do, I just had to miss an exit on the highway), conjuring up the most appropriate excuse for our long lunch, and laughing at the whole silly episode.

Because we were officially 'boss-less' for the next one month, we were even planning for such a Friday lunch session for the next four consecutive weeks. We just couldn't believe the first outing has already been thwarted.

I'm getting a new office space. If I thought my previous one was the best seat in the whole house, this one is even better.

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This is just a cubicle, but it feels almost like a room of my own. I've no one sitting next to, behind, in front of me - total privacy. And I'm seated right at the back, nearest to the obscure fire-exit door (that most people do not know of) - so it makes it easier for me to sneak in and out. And my cube is probably almost twice the size of most other folks', so I tried to discount the benefit by offering my space for some sample storage. I said, 'some' and they probably got jealous and meant 'all'.

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Yes, yes, envy me not. I possess the one and only Herman Miller chair in the entire office.

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I don't know what's with this baby, but it costs almost S$2,000 - each. I think it's got to do with the super hi-tech ergonomic features of this chair. I'm not sure, but I know it's super comfy and someone else is eyeing and trying to 'steal' it. By the way, I got my hands on it by chance (and luck).

All my stuff is still packed in boxes. And I don't see myself unpacking anything anytime soon.

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