Friday, June 24, 2005


Day Four. Still no shoes. Only one bag, which was definitely not in the shopping list, and some... er... double-sided tape.

Day Three was by default a goner because it was basketball night.

I popped by Dean, my hair stylist. It's so much easier to just 'pop by' now that he's moved to town. I like seeing Dean - he makes me feel good, well, at least about my hair.

I finally had to ask him if I needed a hair job. I have a wedding to attend, I have a nice dress to wear, I don't wanna have unkempt hair that looks 'ok' for an out-of-bed look for work everyday.

He fluffed my hair, gave me an eye, and agreed, "Yeah, we need to tame the bush at the back."

Great - my long-awaited haircut is finally happening tomorrow. Not shorter, just better - hopefully. I have to remember to tell him to leave my fringe alone - he has a thing for short fringe, urgh.

I'm not seeing the man tonight. He's gone off to the 'brothers' camp' at the groom-to-be's place. Sweet. I hope he has fun.

Glad that, at least, we spent some breakfast time together this morning. It started pouring just as I was about to leave home for work, so I told Ed I'd wait till the rain subsided before I drove off. We had lousy bee hoon that tasted like it was cooked the day before and had spent the night in the fridge before landing up on my plate. The man was up and out with me because he wanted to tag along the car ride to work. It's been eons since I drove him to STC.

I'm tasked with the 'stylist' job again. Good because I like dressing men up. Not-so-good because I don't have a mannequin in my house - how to see?

Going off to meet some friends for a late-night steamboat feast in Geylang. Lorong 13 - isn't that right where all the 'red lights' are?

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