Saturday, June 25, 2005

Late Late Late

Argh! I grossly overslept.

I was supposed to be at Dean's by 11, but I jumped out of slumber at 12 noon. I am supposed to be shopping for my shoes by now. ARGH.

And my eyes are puffed up too. I have absolutely no idea why.

Could it be the beef again?

I had so much self-cooked medium-rare beef in me last night, my stomach felt so queasy when I got home. The steamboat fare in Geylang was pretty good - I arrved late and so all I had to feast on were merely beef slices, vegetables and mushrooms. And soup - lots and lots of beef-flavored soup. The beef slices were cut so thin, all I had to do was just to dip one slice into the hot hot soup for a second and voila! I had medium-rare beef, parts of it still rosy pink, juicy and chewy.


I almost regretted eating so much beef the minute I got home. My stomach made me feel so ill, I couldn't do anything else but to try to sleep it off.

Now, the stomach seems alright. I just hope I have not developed any allergic reaction to beef because of my puffy eyes.

There's no joy in life in eating beef if you can't have it medium-rare. (Sorry, vegetarian friends.)

Gotta go now - I'm starting to feel nervous.

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