Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Two Dresses and Another One

Day Two is surprisingly more productive.

I actually bought my wedding dress.

No, wait. I got two of 'em. And almost a third blouse. All thanks to the glib-tongued slightly-effeminate (what else would you expect of a man who sells dresses to women?) at-times-overly-friendly shop assistant.

I picked out 2 dresses to try on; he handed me like five more. "Try this for me to see, pur-lease... no one could fit into it... oh, you carry it off so well... perfect, no alteration needed."

Ok, fine. His earnest prompting wasn't entirely to blame. The dresses were simply too pretty, and unique - and branded (read: good-quality) too, but I suppose they must've bought them off outlet racks overseas, so what you find is probably the one and only piece available in the shop. Hmm... exclusivity - I like. And quite honestly, they were priced way below what I had originally planned to fork out for the dress this time.

Still, I hadn't planned to buy two dresses. But when another woman shopper walked past and eyed one of my dresses droolingly, I immediately brought both to the cash counter.

While I have committed (my money) to two dresses, my heart lies yet with another one.

I saw, and fell immediately in love with it in another shop before I found the other two. I tried it on, and almost refused to take it off. It looked too good on me. And it was also a one-piece-only item. Isn't it fated that it should fit me so perfectly?

I had to leave it behind though. And resolved never to see it again, lest my heart gets soft.

It costs $948.

So the dress bit is done.

Now I've got to find the shoes. And maybe a pair of earrings.

Shucks - I'm giving myself another headache having to decide which to actually wear between the two on Saturday.


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