Monday, June 06, 2005


Last day in Portland. Well, technically last second day since I'm only flying home tomorrow.

I've only been here barely two weeks, but it sure feels like I've been away from home for a darned long time. Seattle was only a week ago, but it felt like a few weeks ago. I miss certain things and would like to be home soon. But then, for some reason, I'm dreading going home as well. Stuck in a state of confusion again.

Weather's looking worse these days. It drizzles and chills for most parts of the day - my legs tremble while I'm out walking on the streets. Pretty uncool. The temperature is like 7 or 8 degree Celsius right now, and I'm walking around in my undersized denim jacket and slides. I scramble into any enclosed space I can find, and I've found out walking under trees is chillier than walking out in the open. I still don't know why.

The sun is peeking out among the dark clouds this morning. I sure hope it's going to be a fine day because no way I'm staying in today.

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I'm almost done with my packing. I have to check out of the hotel today, and move into the other one, just for one night, where all my other colleagues are staying. I came with an almost full luggage, and I've still managed to squeeze in my newly acquired possessions.

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Well, barely. I still have some bulky stuff left unpacked. I dread thinking of stuffing them all into my messenger, and having to carry them onboard.

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And the itinerary for the day is the factory outlets. I hope I'm controlled. I don't want to have to carry paper bags onboard the plane. Very uncool.

I've been assigned (actually I volunteered myself) the driver of the day. We're gonna rent a car for the day just so we could drive out to the factory outlets. Contrary to what I made myself seem to be to my colleagues, I have never driven in the US before. Please say your prayers for me, when you have the time.

It's really strange, but I think I'm suffering from super-delayed jetlag. Yes, like almost two weeks after I've arrived, and a couple of days before I'm heading home, I've been feeling extremely tired all day. I actually look worse now than when I first arrived in Portland/Seattle. My face tells it all. The eye bags are starting to appear.

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Maybe it's just the lack of sleep that's catching up with me. I predict a tired 18-hour flight for myself tomorrow.

Glasses or contact lenses for the flight? Glasses because the dry air would make my contact lenses uncomfortable, but glasses give me a bad headache. Decisions.

Funny conversation I just had with a friend online.

(Explaining to my friend I wasn't in town, but in Portland instead for work.)
Him: Caught any games? Got any autographs?
Me: No lar... Portland out long ago. I saw Jordan, Kobe and LeBron and Melo though.
Him: Wat!!!! You saw Melo?!?!?!?!?!

And you'd think most people would be impressed with having met Jordan. Or Kobe or LeBron.

I was highly amused.

The phonecall I'd been waiting for for the past two weeks finally came two nights ago. It felt so good, and to a certain extent homesick, to hear that voice. Homesickness, to me, has never been about the physical home, but about the most loved person you're missing the most.

My home is in your arms.

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