Saturday, June 11, 2005


I did something unthinkable, and possibly criminal, today.

But I couldn't help it. That thing was too ugly.


Yes, I committed an unlawful act all because of that stupid ugly bridal car. I took a picture of it while I was driving - one hand on wheel, the other balancing the camera. I mean, c'mon, a black Lexus RX300 (I bet it's just a Toyota Harrier, anyway) with big fuchsia bows and ribbons strapped all around it? It looked more like a roving gift hamper. I would've bawled and create a ruckus if it were my wedding.

Then, I performed another unspeakable stunt.


Kids: Do not attempt this unsupervised. Oh, wait, you're not even supposed to be driving.

"Tau Pok" drivers: Do not try this if you want to 'graduate' from your 'P'-plate status on time. And if you don't want the rest of us to be honking at you for road-hogging.

All other fellow drivers: Do not try this if you don't have a big, fat, bulky but very handy camera like mine. And if you are not thick-skinned enough to take ridicule from drivers in the next cars. Of course, try this only on highways, ironically, where speeds are usually constant.

Last of all, a piece of useful advice for all: always do a TP- check first. You don't want to capture the white uniform in your background, do you?

*P.S. Always always ALWAYS drive with your seat belt fastened, ok.

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