Sunday, June 12, 2005

Me and My Lip Balms

I know, you know, everyone knows that a girl needs her lip balms and glosses.

But, how many exactly does she need?


I thought I only needed maybe a couple. But I didn't know it would become an addiction. Addiction to buying, that is, not exactly an addiction to consuming.

On a 'high', I just bought and bought - simply because lip balms don't really cost you much... individually. I was, ashamed to say, attracted to packaging, supposed product benefits, and really just packaging. I was so into actually shopping for lip balms, I snubbed the free tubes given out by airlines (I know Northwest does).

At any time, I have at least 5 balms and 3 glosses in my bag (now you know why I need a big bag). Well, you never know when any one might come in use. I have everything (I think) from clear to sheer to pinks to mauves. I have stuff from L'Occitane, Burt's Bees, MAC, Clinique, Neutrogena, Bloom, Red Earth... hell, even Gap.

I know, balms are balms, but I try to at least take turns with each one. Sometimes I like it a little glossier, sometimes I want just a more natural pout, but most times, my bloody lips are just dry and cracked (that's when they turn bloody). Then the glosses may come in timely when someone asks me out for dinner, out of the blue. Times like this, you just want to try to look a little prettier for the date, especially when your lips look abused after a day of cursing and swearing at work.

I didn't really plan to do a stock-take of those lying around every nook and corner of my room. Until I caught myself almost spending money on more balms in the US. Then somehow my senses got me thinking, hey you already have a lot and probably enough. Do I really need any more?

Oh, I realised I missed one out hiding under the table.


So that makes what - 27? Wow, one more and the toll will be the same as my age.

Hmm, this gives me an idea. Perhaps I should restrict myself to buying only one for every year I get older.

Haha... as if.

Lip balms to women are like beer to men... they are never a need.

I think I feel good enough to get more of these feel-good stuff.

*P.S.: If you need, or just want, Burt's Bees are fantastic, but only if you can get your hands on them. I haven't seen them in Singapore. L'Occitane is great too, though a tad pricey. I have these on me ALL the time.

*P.P.S.: I didn't know I'm capable of such girly talk... EEeeeeeEEEWw!

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