Monday, December 19, 2005


You must walk more, get away slowly from the crutches, and learn to put more weight on that tree stump.

So says my doctor.

Yay! Got passport to get out of the house already.

I would like to tell Doc that I can even drive my manual car liao.

I have never felt more liberated.

Christmas shopping is tiring when:

(a) your list is only half complete and it keeps growing as you shop along;

(b) you cannot decide between three different gifts for just one person on your list;

(c) you've decided on a strict budget but your eyes keep wandering toward 'better' gift ideas;

(d) you have to jostle with crowds who don't watch out for your feet;

(e) you have a sore tree stump for an ankle.

That is why I am already taking a rest at the cafe after only an hour of shopping - with nothing in my shopping bag still.

I miss Coffee Bean. Hur.

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