Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Of Horses and Rat-bits

What goes around comes around.

Sometimes I wonder when, and if, the circle will ever end. And how.

I'm stuck in the circle right now.

I'd like to see what might happen to me next.


I'm undergoing self-administered pain therapy right now.

For all the walking I've done today, I've decided the next best thing I can do for my tree stump is to give it an intensive ice treatment - post-shower, pre-bedtime.

Er... how intensive can ice treatment be?

For God-knows-what reasons, I have all of three ice packs in my freezer. All just coming in handy in needy times like this.

I'm applying one ice pack after another.

Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.

My skin hurts like crazy.

I can forget about my ice-cream tonight.


A special Christmas lunch tomorrow.

And I've gotten the Christmas gift in time. A pat on my back.

I only have to wake up early enough tomorrow to pack it and wrap it.

And then, after lunch, I'd have to trudge back into town to do more shopping.

Four whole hours spent in town today, and only one gift down.

Sigh. I foresee another intensive ice treatment tomorrow night.


Since I'm already walking, I figured I had to bring the girls down for a much-needed walk before my conscience bit me.

I have two dogs. But really, I have a little horse and a rat-bit.

One trots gracefully, while the other scampers and scurries like she's on an adventure. Holding her leash, I can almost feel her adrenalized heartbeats.

It is always an amusing trip, walking them round and round the blocks.

I'd leave it to you to guess who's the horse and who's the rat-bit.

Whether you're dogs or horses or rat-bits, I love you very much, babies. =)


Plans for a Christmas dinner have been made.

I should be happy, shouldn't I?

God, I won't wish for anything much but just make sure I'm not living yet another lie, ok?

Oh, and by the way, the tree stump is no more. =)

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