Saturday, December 10, 2005


"Real Fact" #126 (from the bottle cap of my Snapple):

A pigeon's feathers are heavier than its bones.

Hmm... really?


What a tiring day... so far.

Today's the final rites of my Ah Por's funeral. Didn't really partake much in the activities but I was mostly playing maid-cum-babysitter. That alone tires me out.

Running after a mildly hyperactive kid is no joke.

I couldn't put him to sleep on my shoulders. Guess he's not too used to sleeping on the floor, huh.

I'm now catching some caffeine for an hour or so before my game.

Thought the Coffee Bean at Singapore Post Center would be a quiet place to chill out, but wtf?! Why is it so damn crowded?!


My mom and her cronies are quite a vulgar bunch of old ladies.

They go like (pardon the language) 'diu' this 'diu' that. I don't know why but I find it pretty hilarious.

So it ain't so much of a problem if me and my cronies 'fuck' this 'fuck' that when we're old ladies, is it?


The musical that I thought to be turned out to be a wacky concert.

I kinda regretted paying so much money for it. But ah well... blame it on my ignorance.

I caught the man falling asleep... as usual. Guess he didn't appreciate it much as well. Sorry 'bout that.

I almost fell into the trap again.

Things you said you'd like to do... well, I almost once again believed it is going to happen.

I don't think I'm going to believe it much anymore, just so I won't end up looking forward to something - something that might not happen after all.

It's always better to be pleasantly surprised, than to be let down again, isn't it?

You really wanna ask my folks out for a dinner? You really wanna bring the girls to the beach? Just give me a call anytime when you are really ready. You know where I'll be.

If you really wanted, you'd make the plans... and you'd know that I'll make time for you - anytime.

In the meantime, I'll just make believe you'd never suggested anything. I'll just keep remembering your words don't mean much to you.

Still, thank God, and thank you... for making last night's date a pretty quiet and enjoyable one.

I'll miss you, anyhow.


Big game today.

I think I'm ready. Though I don't think I've had enough rest from last night.

My day's not going to end with the game.

I've got to rush home to send my aunt to the airport, then I'm gonna get me my booze-dose tonight.

I missed that last night.

Somebody has got to make time for me tonight... I'll make darn sure.

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