Thursday, December 22, 2005


It was a mad day. The day just before I am to get back to my work desk.

I thought I could do some shopping in the morning, but ended up having to babysit the little man again. Didn't do much together. We dropped my mom off where she was supposed to be, then we headed towards town.

No shopping could've been done with a kid in tow amongst the crazy crowds.

So we settled for lunch instead.

Slow and easy. I must've been bonkers when I tried to teach the little one, "Fork... you".

I hope I didn't succeed.

We headed home after lunch and brought the girls to the vet. Piper got her fifth-year annual jab today.

I shudder to think of the day she turns... *gasp* six!

The little man is a little nuts, just like Gu-gu - I fear.

He was standing in the middle of the waiting room, just laughing and laughing - non-stop - at the dogs. He has this mean laughter these days, and I have no fucking clue where he picked that up from. Uh-uh, not me.

People think he's a happy kid. Duh... I think he's nuts like me. Ha.

Dropped the girls off at home, and then zipped off for my facial.

I was late. Cos Mom got home late.

I was like a mom desparately trying to get to work but the babysitter was late.

Yeah, I was that flustered.

By the time I got to my real Christmas shopping, it was almost half-past-eight.

But I am pleased.

I have gotten most of my Christmas shopping done - except for the most important one. That one, I'll think a little more over the next few days before I make up my mind.

My favorite Christmas store has still ultimately gotta be Borders. I have once told friends not to bother with any other gift for me but just Borders giftcards. If I have ten friends who each present me with a giftcard worth just ten bucks, I would have enough 'money' to buy me at least four books! I like!

They apparently didn't heed my advice/plea last year. Let's see if they do this year.

By the time I left Borders this evening, it was half an hour before midnight.

But my shopping bag is full - finally. =)

Oh, and the same syndrome hits me in Borders. Especially in Borders.

I so wanted to get the same books for myself.

I stopped at only one.


I'm tired tonight.

I've walked so much, and my mission is almost completed. Pat on my back.

I think I'm going to skip shopping tomorrow, and head for beer straight after work.

Doh! There's work tomorrow!


I should've known.

Fantasies are meant for fairytales. Not plain Janes like me.

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