Tuesday, December 13, 2005


It's a day out at work today.

Yep, spent almost the entire day out in town, checking out our stores, with my team.

Only one word at the end of the trip: tired.

Ok, two words: fucking tired.

I am quite upset that I cannot, for the life of me, shop.

Give me a 10km to run anytime, but don't ask me to shop aimlessly.

My knees and butt are aching now.

Like I tell my friend, "I am woman, but not quite woman."

You know it's December when the town is crowded - by a Tuesday's standard.

Kids on vacation. Tourists on holiday. People on a day off work. Shoppers on their Christmas-gift missions.

This is like a normal weekend I'm used to. Weekends in town nowadays bother me.

I am reminded by the throngs of people that I haven't quite gotten down to my own Christmas shopping. Darn, I haven't even gotten down to my list of lucky recipients this year.

And then I am reminded, with quite some alarm, that Christmas is only one week away.

I think I won't be shopping on a weekend. Weekends are for babysitting, dogsitting, boozing and latte-ing.

I think I should just take a couple of days off work next week to do my shopping - with a lesser crowd.

And then, I also think I should put myself down on my list. =)

Ah... Christmas wishes.

I have quite a few.

Let me gather my thoughts, and then decide on the realistic ones.

And this time, I don't think I will say any one out aloud.

It's better to smash my own head against the wall by myself, than to have someone else do it.

I have wild thoughts running through my messed-up head, though.

If my gorgeous friend decides to pop by again on his way home, you bet I'll be making time for him.

After all, you don't get fantasies coming true to you very often... do you?


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