Thursday, December 01, 2005


How could this be?

They're shutting my Hoe?! (Ok, that didn't quite come off right, did it?)

Just don't screw anything up when you move, you arse-Hoes.

Don't mess up perfection.


That was exactly what I thought when I took my first sip last night - after going cold turkey for days.

I literally closed my eyes and smiled as the beer went down my throat. The oh-I-think-I'm-so-cool people of Bala must've thought me pretty uncool. Shooting an ad, or what, you think?!

Nothing comes close to ice-cold Hoe.


It was also a night of dirty talk with my good 'brother'. Over my Hoe and his Macallan.

"You played with my cork and made it dirty. You'd better clean it up."

"Stick your cork back into the hole, quick."

"Your cork touched him and he looked violated."

Things that make me go hmm... =)

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