He's becoming half-mad too. Well, I make up the other half. :)
Anyhoos, we're really impressive, aren't we?
143,000 hits
31,000 unique visitors
We started 74 days ago.
Technorati.com ranks us 85,950th in the world and we have 83 links from 50 blogs.
Alexa.com ranks us 2,268 in Singapore based on traffic (mr brown is around 1,000 by comparison).
*figures tracked by Les as of Sunday, April 15, at 1902h
Go tell it to anyone, everyone if you think we're cool too. :)
In the meantime...
red shooter: People are watching RedSportsTV.
red shooter: After the gallery and the front page, they go to RedSportsTV.
red shooter: Good lah.
ME Inc.: hahah!
ME Inc.: awesome.
ME Inc.: i must really go to town this week and get myself some BIG shades
red shooter: yes yes.

Some guru once wisecracked: "Humility will go a long way."
I know.
I just don't subscribe to it. :)
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