vaps: hey heyy
vaps: u like sushi??
vaps: i mean sashimi
ME Inc.: yepssss
ME Inc.: luuuuuv
vaps: u tried this place hanabi??
ME Inc.: yes i did
vaps: best!! haha
ME Inc.: this lil hole at bt timah right?
vaps: sorri, i like it a lot.. haha
vaps: yaaa.. haha
ME Inc.: we can go do that!
vaps: eat sushi till serously come out the other end
vaps: yaaaa
vaps: one day go
ME Inc.: sashimi in the buffet?
vaps: yaaaaa
ME Inc.: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
vaps: BEST!! haha
vaps: one day go la
ME Inc.: yes yes
vaps: :D:D:D
So we did. And I got my new babe-friend to join us.
But it was supposed to be an all-babes night out. And then...

Still luv ya la,
I am so protein-overloaded. =)
I swear, there is sashimi coming out from my ears!
Do you smell raw fish??
can you smell mine too? :)
Actually..I almost put that down! For realz!
Ahhhhh *huge sigh of relief*
Apologies, my bad.
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