Friday, April 06, 2007


HDYHTBTTFTTSITTGYTWCYU*: so still helping your friend?
ME Inc.: yeps
ME Inc.: yeah
ME Inc.: not a lot, but just about surviving
ME Inc.: ??
HDYHTBTTFTTSITTGYTWCYU: for a while i tot you so altruistic

*HDYHTBTTFTTSITTGYTWCYU stands for the actual nick 'how desperate you have to be that the fact that the sun is there to greet you tomorrow will cheer you up'.

See. People around me can be so funny.

When I want to be passionate and altruistic, they laugh at me and tell me to wake up my idea.

When I decide to be practical finally, they diss me.

Altruism is great. I think.

But no one else apparently thinks so. At least not the ones who would feed my stomach. Unless, of cos, he happens to be my fucking-rich-old-and-dying husband, maybe.

What's with all these long nicknames?!

Long, never mind. But long and meaningless?

Really funny.

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