Monday, April 09, 2007


Wah. The Gods must be crazy today. Either that, or I am.

I actually decided to wake up to the alarm this morning. And it actually feels a tad more pleasing to have an alarm clock that is set to run fifteen minutes ahead of the actual time. Makes you feel like, hmmm... I am so damn early today I can afford some doodling on the pbook before I start on the official wake-up ritual.

I can't decide, though, what made me pop up to the irritating tune of my alarm this morning. Maybe it was sounding really irritating today. Maybe it's the anxiety from the dreadful trip to the workshop later this morning. Or maybe it's the impending schedule ahead today.

Or, perhaps it was the message left on my screen that greeted me the moment I opened my eyes.

Please, God. Please give me a good lobang this week.

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