Friday, October 21, 2005


For the uninitiated, here's what the ad says.

My knees are tomboys.
They get bruised and cut every time I play soccer.
I'm proud of them and wear my dresses short.
My mother worries I will never marry with knees like that.
But I know there's someone out there who will say to me,
I love you and I love your knees.
I want the four of us to grow old together.

I have been labelled a 'tomboy' almost all my life.

I don't climb trees nor catch insects. But I don't play with Barbies either.

I have two dogs who run and swim with me, and I think that is pure joy in life.

I much prefer running to walking anytime. I cannot slow down. It's a strange sight in the office to see me running from one end to the other - walking takes too much time.

I'm keeping my hair a little longer. I'm wearing skirts and ballet flats. I'm toting a purse on my shoulder and I'm wearing lipstick almost everyday. I sport a small rock on my finger, and I show off beautiful white pearlies on my earlobes.

But I also have my battle scars on my legs from my love for basketball. I sit cross-legged on the chair whenever I can. I have no qualms unleashing my acidic tongue on the poor folks around me. I speak animatedly with wild hand gestures and overly-dramatic facial expressions. I let out my loud hearty laughter without any restrain and I am not shy with the words my mouth spouts.

It really doesn't matter what I wear or how I look. Friends will always see a tomboy masquerading as a lady.

I don't exactly enjoy being termed a 'tomboy', but I don't want to deny who I really am too.

Please. Don't call me no tomboy no more, 'cos I am not.

I am just proudly and uniquely me.

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