Saturday, October 08, 2005


Ahh!!! I found Starbucks right outside my hotel.

Ok - I haven't been noticing it because I've been either taxi-ed or chauffeured around all this time in Bangkok.

I decided to skip the buffet breakfast this morning because the coffee sucks and all I ever want to eat at buffet breakfast spreads is omelette or scrambled eggs. I'm not so much of a breakfast person anyway, but I do need my caffeine shot, no doubt.

I was expecting a long aimless walk looking for my Starbucks - I haven't ventured one step out of the hotel yet. Bingo! Starbucks is just less than a 3-minute walk away. Hiak!

I like Starbucks anytime better than Bean, simply because their lattes taste better. And they have pretty-looking mugs and expresso cups that I love looking at but never would bear to buy. The only reason I hang out in Bean back home: the wifi connection.

I'm always on the lookout for a Starbucks when I travel - except maybe when I was in Frisco and Seattle. In those places, when you have good little cafes that serve real lattes (non-skinny, please, lest you get scorned by the barrista), pfff! What's Starbucks?

I know what I'm gonna do tomorrow morning before I check-out. Ima gonna bring my book and sit my ass down at Starbucks and enjoy the morning sun with a hot grande skinny latte.

By the way, a grande skinny latte here costs only four bucks and it tastes way way nicer than the ones back home.

Sweet. =)


Oops. I slept pretty well but not in a good position, I suppose. My neck feels a little sprained. Must be those strange noises - like someone's been playing around with the hangers in the wardrobe.

Hey, it's not an excuse for another massage tonight, ok.

... hiak!

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