Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Bali's been axed.

No, I don't mean another catastrophe at that little haven of an island. The plans for Bali next week have been cancelled.

I'm cool. Who the hell wants to have a business meeting in Bali anyway? I'd rather save Bali for a sweet romantic destination - some fine day, if it ever comes.

And right now, it doesn't quite click, but I would actually feel bad partying in a place that has just suffered yet another disaster. A place where others are mourning for loss of loved ones.

Well, it doesn't mean the plans for any travel have been shelved.

The meeting will still go on - location just not decided yet.

I have this very bad premonition: it's going to be KL... again!?!?

Catastrophes. Disasters. Floods. Hurricanes. Earthquakes. Tsunamis. Plane crashes. Senseless bombings.


I've always wondered why they happen. Why God let the winds and waters of his creation take away lives of his creation if he's supposed to be good and loving.

Why kill thousands of poor innocent people in your wrath? Are you really that mad at us? Are we really so bad we cause our fellow humans to die for what we've done?

Some say, the answers are found in the Holy Bible. Everything has been written.

Someone says, things happen because it's but a process of nature - population control. That is just how nature controls its evolution - people live and people die. It's a cycle. Natural calamities only accelerate that cycle.

This is clearly a Geography student speaking.

I don't know which theory works, but I know I still haven't found my answer yet. And so, I question God everytime things happen.

And, just like I'm damning these crazy bombers, does God want these people to die too?

Obviously so - they were all suicidal nuts.

I hope to find my answers someday - when I still care enough about life.

Maybe some things in life should never be really understood, should they?

People suffer in different ways. While people think I should count my blessings for being way better off than those who perish in disasters, I am not too sure.

The sufferings you and I go through in life - sometimes no one understands. And no one should stand to judge my sufferings and to compare them against others.

Well yeah, maybe I should be glad I don't suffer the traumas of a disaster.

But then, maybe dying isn't such a bad thing after all - if I should die innocently, I'm just going back to a place where I know it's safe.

It seems morbid, but it helps to think that way.

It helps you accept life and death - as they come.

It helps you understand that the hand that gave you life can also take it away from you.

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