Monday, October 10, 2005


I'm home. One day earlier than I was supposed to be.

I like staying in hotel rooms in the comfort of the cool air-conditioning, but staying away makes me a little depressed too. I just know when it's time to go home. So I got a flight out sooner. It's quite a stroke of luck I could manage to get a seat on a Sunday.

I am now a proud owner of my first Oris. =)

Thanks to someone. Really, big thanks. My Casio is just conking out.

The feelings are all mixed up. I am elated with the pressie, but I can't also help thinking at the same time it seems all wrong.

Should I, or shouldn't I have accepted the gift?

What am I doing to myself?

Some things are just hard to explain. And I don't expect anyone else to understand.

I confess. I still have someone in mind everytime I shop. I set out telling myself not to, but I almost always end up with something for him - just because I think he'll like it, he'll need it, he'll be amused or I think he'll look good in it.

There's no ulterior motive, I swear. I convince myself.

I'm just doing it all out of love. At least before I snap out of it totally.

"Well, you got me a watch too."

"It's different. The context is all different."

I got my boyfriend a watch then.

What makes me if I accept the gift?

If I am still buying you things out of love, what then are you doing all these for?

I will never know.

I no longer expect any form of answer from you anyway.

I have given up. I'll find your answers on your behalf someday... soon.

That said, don't get me wrong.

I really love the watch. It was really quite a surprise too.

It'll be my partner for as long as it still ticks.

Thanks, man.

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