Wednesday, October 19, 2005


I seem to be getting a letter in the post from either the LTA or the TP or the damned HDB every month.

A letter - at the very least.

Urgh! Can someone tell me if there's any Traffic- or Carpark-God I can pray to?

And, I also seem to be having something to fix every month.

My car. My pbook. My bledy phone. Piper. And now my camera charger.

That thing has to be replaced with a totally new one and will set me back more than a hundred bucks. Without that thing, I cannot snap any pictures - and it's killing me.

And I think I'd be needing it at the wedding this weekend.


I was just mentioning to a colleague the other day.

If I ever were to work in Portland, or any other foreign land, I would surely become more proficient at swearing - I swear.

Look sweet, smile, and then a 'KNNBCCB' in the most casual tone.

Yeah, that's very probably how I'd survive working with nincompoops of the wild wild west.

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