Sunday, October 16, 2005


I just realized I'm an American babe today!

I'm wearing my AE cap and tee, my Old Navy shorts and flip-flops, and I'm carrying my Gap tote.

Wah, hao lian lah.

Hey, my undies are not American, though. I'm wearing my fave girl-boxers, all colorful polka-dotted. And they are best worn under short shorts cos even if I ever 'zao geng', at least I have something nice to show. LOL.

It was supposed to be a family outing at the zoo. On this wet rainy Sunday.

We were all packed to go - sandwiches and all - as usual, and I've already told Mom to travel 'light'.

Right after we parked our cars and paid for the tickets, it started pouring. =/

We ended up having KFC at the entrance of the zoo instead and left after getting our tickets refunded. I was actually quite looking forward to seeing the animals... honest! Darn.

Twice, we've got our plans marred by the rain. I think we should just stop making any family outing plans. Just wake up and go. And forget about the sandwiches.

Or, should the days start getting hot and dry again, we should just pretend to plan for a family outing. Ha.

I'm in a very itchy mood to shop for shoes.

I think I'm growing out of my Nikes and Birkies. I'm going into a new phase with shoes. I need to get pretty shoes - and shock the hell outta everyone.

But I'm not soothing my itch by scratching - that will only make it worse. I'm just trying to stop the itch by resistance.


Let's just see how long I can resist.

I have always had dreams of being my own boss, setting up shop, and selling stuff I like.

And there are only two kinds of shops I dream of owning.

One, I'd love a pet cafe-boutique-daycare. Where all dogs roam free.

Two, I'd love to travel the world to buy shoes and bags that I'd sell in my own shop.

Awesome, isn't it?

Will my dreams ever come true?


It started out a little awkward between us. He was a little cold, and I couldn't figure out why. It was puzzling and upsetting at the same time.

It warmed up gradually, and we were talking and crapping as usual at the end.

If it's going to be so tough for us, if you find it hard to move on with my lingering presence, then maybe it's only for the better that one of us should go away.

"Am I scrawny?"

"A little."

I've never really asked you before, and you've never really told me before too.

I am scrawny.

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