Sunday, March 19, 2006


I can't believe I actually did it.

I haven't done this much in a weekend for the longest time.

I got my ass out of bed at nine on a Sunday morning and went for some silly alumni basketball game.

All the way back to NTU. Which was probably a bad move.

I kept hoping it wouldn't be, but the nostalgia was just too much for me to take.

The pictures along the walls of the sports hall.

The basketball courts. The carpark right outside the hall.

The fleeting images of the past.

I stood a long while outside my car staring toward his old room, but at nothing really.

I thought I could see a future, but all I have is the past.

Some time, one day, this shall pass too.


The birthday celebration will go on this week.

I have nothing really more to lose now that I seem to have already lost my sanity.

I know of no such word as 'regret' anymore.


I am really quite zonked out now.


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